Monthly Content Package Sample

Our Monthly Content Package includes a variety of materials to help you build and promote your business. Each month you’ll receive a package containing five Articles, five Wallpaper Designs, at least one PDF guide and/or worksheet, and one Video. Instead of being themed, the packages contain a variety of topics so there are useful pieces for every Provider.

Here is a sample of our Monthly Content Package. This is from July 2014. The packages now have one more Article and one more Wallpaper Design than was included in this package.


You’ll receive five articles every month as part of your Monthly Content Package. Here is the first month’s package for review.

Developing Good Sleep Habits Brings Good Health

When you wake up, do you immediately look forward to going back to bed? When the alarm goes off, does it seem as though you just closed your eyes? It’s time to get a good night sleep! After all, it’s amazing what a restful night’s sleep can do for your body.

Battling chronic exhaustion will either force you to find ways to get more rest, or it will bring on poor health. Naturally, you want to develop an effective sleep routine before your body forces you to rest. Try some of these sleep tips so you can get a better night’s sleep and wake up feeling energized:

  1. Make your bedroom your sanctuary. Keep your bedroom neat and quiet, so that you feel calm upon entering. Your bedroom needs to be a getaway from the stress of the day. When a TV is on, even if you aren’t watching it, the light output can feel almost as strong as sunlight. This confuses your body and makes it hard to “shut down,” even after you’ve turned off the screen.
  • If you have a TV or a home office in your bedroom, it will interfere with your ability to go to sleep.Move the television out of the bedroom, or at the very least, try placing a sheet over it so that you’re not tempted to watch it before bed.
  1. Keep your room dark. Your body is designed to sleep when it’s dark. If you’re not used to this, try it for a while anyway. Children are used to sleeping with a light on, but you’ll soon realize that it’s a huge distraction when you are trying to fall asleep. Pull the curtains closed, turn off all the lights, shut your door, and then sleep like you’re hibernating!
  • Many stores sell “blackout” curtains that block out the sunlight so that the room remains dark. Consider using these curtains to fully darken the room.
  1. Exercise during the day. Exercising during the day releases stress hormones to help you feel more relaxed. Most forms of exercise will pep you up and give you more energy immediately afterwards, so make sure that you exercise well ahead of bedtime.
  • The energy you receive from daytime exercise will give you more restful nights because your body will be less stressed and more relaxed. You’ll be giving your body a total makeover!
  • Even though yoga is considered relaxing, it may keep you awake if done in the evening hours. Plan your exercise routine for the morning or late afternoon.
  1. Make yourself a bedtime routine. This doesn’t only work with kids. If you get in the habit of going to bed at a certain time, your body will expect to be sleeping. Some people recommend milk right before bed, as it contains the sleep inducing chemical tryptophan.
  • Create a bedtime routine that involves things that make you tired, such as soft music, a warm shower, light reading material, or journaling.
  • Television stimulates the mind too much, which can cause difficulty sleeping. Try recording your favorite nighttime TV shows to watch the next day, rather than staying up late.
  1. Leave daytime stress outside. In order to rest, you’ll want to put aside things that keep your mind whirling. By keeping a calendar of things to do the next day, you can put your mind to rest.  Neurofeedback can help calm those ruminating thoughts and worries.
  • Make sure you’ve dealt with all of the questions that keep you awake – what bills need to be paid, what time the doctor appointment is, and so on, before you lay down. This frees your brain up to focus on sleep.

Neurofeedback is great for persistent sleep problems. Many clients, no matter why they’ve chosen to come for neurofeedback, find their sleep improves fairly quickly with brain training. Once you’ve learned to rest well at night, you’ll experience a huge improvement in your quality of life. No more yawning through the mornings, and the groggy, exhausted you will be replaced with an energetic person better ready to take on life.

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Home

Does this picture describe your happy home? The toddler’s crying while you hurriedly put the fast food on the table, the dog is throwing up on the floor, the hubby’s got the TV on full-blast, and your teenager just angrily slammed the door on his way out.

Unfortunately, it’s a typical scene for many of us. However, the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. There are, in fact, things you can do to ease this stress and create a more harmonious environment so you and your family can look more forward to coming home and spending time together.

Although some degree of stress is to be expected as you deal with the varying life phases of your family members, if you strive to maintain a core set of values and go with the flow, you can maintain a happier and healthier home. Here are some specific ways to reduce the stress at home:

  1. Get organized. Life can quickly become chaotic when you don’t maintain organization. An organized home runs more smoothly, while an unorganized home leads to stress and lost time.
  • A good tip is to start small with your organization efforts. Start with one room or even a portion of a room. The idea is to think of organization as a series of small projects instead of one overwhelmingly huge one.
  1. Communicate. Your family will certainly benefit from actively working on communication skills. Failing to communicate effectively can lead to not getting what we want and can cause upsetting misunderstandings. Working on communication will help all family members feel loved and appreciated and aid in the household running more efficiently.
  1. Eat dinner together, at least sometimes. Everyone in your family likely has a busy life of their own. It’s easy to suddenly realize you have no idea what’s going on with your spouse or child. When you make it a point to eat dinner together, you make time to connect with your family.
  1. Have fun together. It’s important to schedule time to have fun together as a family, even if these times can’t be as often as you’d like. Schedule family nights in advance, and allow each family member a chance to choose an evening’s activity.
  1. Show unconditional love. Be sure to practice the art of unconditional love with your family. This leads to secure attachments and will ultimately keep everyone in your family happier and reduce stress.
  • Children and parents alike need to know that, when they make mistakes, they have a loving family that will love and forgive them.
  1. Give support. Go out of your way for your family members. It might not be an ideal Friday night to go to your daughter’s art show, but just think of how they’ll feel when they see that they have your love and support. Actively express your support by really being there for your family – no matter what. Just thinking about how much you love them is not enough!
  1. Family rules. Having a set of family rules will help with organization and allow everyone to know what’s expected of them.
  • Schedule a family meeting to establish the house rules. Allow everyone the chance to participate and share his or her concerns. You’ll likely find a compromise that allows everyone to be heard, respected, and feel the rules are fair.

A happy and stress-free home is one built on love. Don’t be too hard on yourself or others, and you’ll have the foundation for an excellent home life.

How Can Therapy Help?

Since therapy (also known as counseling) can be misunderstood, the suggestion to see a counselor can be scary. You may perceive getting therapy to mean that there’s something wrong with you. This isn’t the case! While it may not be for everyone, counseling can be beneficial to most people at challenging points in their lives.

Although it’s important to recognize that therapy is not a panacea, it makes a difference every day in thousands of lives across the world. If you find that you have uncomfortable feelings or “stuck” places in your life, you may very well benefit from working with a trained and qualified therapist.

When therapy and neurofeedback are combined, the efforts of both are often accelerated. As the functioning of your brain improves, you may find you make more headway in therapy, reach clarity sooner, and progress at a more rapid rate than with just therapy alone. Consider these ways that therapy can help:

  1. Get an objective viewpoint. Counseling allows the opportunity to talk about your current challenges with someone who’s trained and objective. Open communication with your friends and loved ones is usually a good idea. However, there are times when you might find it more comforting and safe to share your feelings with a therapist.
  1. Clarify your feelings. Many people begin therapy feeling confused and not really able to identify their emotions. A therapist can assist you in recognizing your feelings.
  • The therapeutic process helps you explore particularly troubling emotions and resolve them.
  1. Learn to appropriately communicate how you feel to others. Being able to share honest, genuine feelings using more effective communication can enrich your relationships and help you succeed in your endeavors.
  • Once you learn to pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings and share them with others, you’ll get more of what you want from life, whatever that may be.
  • Life is more fulfilling when you live according to how you truly feel and in accordance with your values.
  1. Getting therapy can be a freeing, stress-relieving experience. How many times do you have an opportunity to say whatever you want, however you want, with virtually no repercussions due to your feelings?
  • It’s possible to liberate yourself from psychological pain by talking with a therapist.
  • Therapy is a safe place to vent negative feelings. Whether you’re feeling scared, hurt, angry, lonely, or other negative emotions, you can share it with the therapist. For many, therapy is a sanctuary when they’re feeling overwhelmed with negativity in their life. This makes counseling a helpful stress reliever that works well in conjunction with brain training.
  1. It’s all about you. When you go to therapy, the session is focused on your benefit. Your time with a counselor is all about you. You can say whatever you want.
  • You don’t have to worry about being judged by the therapist. They are trained to keep their personal feelings out of it and provide you with support and perspective.
  1. Gain valuable insights. When you talk about yourself with someone who’s nonjudgmental and objective, you’re truly tuned in to the moment and what you’re saying.
  • Therapy provides a chance for you to hear yourself talk and share your own personal struggles. It may sound unusual, but people in counseling frequently have “Aha” moments about something they’re sharing.
  • Your therapist will ask questions to encourage you to examine your current situation more thoroughly. Human difficulties can be complex. Through this process, you can discover more about your motivation and understand yourself better.
  • Developing insight and awareness into your feelings empowers you to set priorities about what’s most important to you and make choices that enable you to more easily live the life you truly seek.
  1. Bring out your strengths. With therapy, you can develop or gain confidence in your capacity to live a more healthy, fulfilling life.

Seeing a therapist in conjunction with your neurofeedback training can be one of the best things you’ll ever do for yourself. Most likely, you’ll experience less stress, and feel more satisfied with someone to talk to while you’re also training your brain. If you find yourself struggling emotionally, remind yourself that therapy can help while you’re building a healthier brain.

5 Ways to Focus and Get Back on Task

Each day, there are dozens of tasks that call your name, both at work and in your personal life. With life being so busy, it’s easy to lose focus on the big picture. How many times have you gone to bed wondering what you actually accomplished that day? Or have you ever felt like your day was somehow wasted?

To avoid these feelings, you can try a few different methods to get yourself back on track. Rather than bemoaning your wasted time, resolve to regain your focus and get back on task.

Confucius Says… There’s a famous quote about focus by the great philosopher Confucius: “If you chase two rabbits, you catch none.” True, there might be people who are able to multitask and do it relatively well; but more often than not, people who split their attention between two different tasks have a more difficult time completing both tasks well.

More and more research shows that multitasking can actually harm our brains, and that we’re much better off focusing on one task at a time. Here are five ways to regain your focus and get back on task:

  1. Eliminate the distractions. Get rid of the barriers that cause you to avoid getting things done. Forget about checking email every five minutes; those emails will still be there when you complete your task. Make a list of distractions, and eliminate them for the duration of your task.
  • Turn off the phone and let the voice mail take over.
  • Close the blinds in your office.
  • Turn off the music if you find yourself singing more than working.
  • Close the door to your office for more privacy and focus, if possible.
  1. Prioritize your work. Rather than working on several projects simultaneously, take one thing at a time, focus on it, and worry about all the other projects later. Ultimately, you’ll get a lot more done and you’ll finish it more quickly. You may also be surprised by the high quality you produce when you’re free from distractions.
  • Find ways to prioritize that work best for you. Choose either the project that has the earliest deadline, or the one with the least components so you can finish it quickly, and get it out of the way. There are pros and cons to both systems, so tackle it whichever way works best for you.
  1. Request that everyone respects your time. There are many nice and respectful ways to tell people to back off. If you find yourself in a time crunch and can’t seem to get away from others, consider letting them know you need time to finish some important tasks. There are a lot of different ways to do it – just make sure you do.
  • Set times that you’ll accept phone calls and even visitors. Tell them to contact you by email, and then set a regular time to check your email.
  • Set business hours during which people can expect you to return their calls or emails.
  1. Set some limitations for your internet access. The internet is wonderful, and it can be a huge time-waster, especially if you work at a computer all day long. Regain your focus with some self-imposed rules.
  • First, close all those windows you’re not using. Avoid social media, quit searching on eBay or Amazon, and leave instant messengers alone.
  • Establish certain times each day to do these fun things, and otherwise, focus on what you have to do. You’ll quickly accomplish more!
  1. Have confidence in your abilities. This may seem like a really small thing when it comes to focusing and getting back on task, but believing you can get everything done that you set out to do puts you in a positive frame of mind, and you’ll be less distracted with stress and worry.
  • Have confidence that you can complete each task with ease, and believe in your ability to deliver. If you have the confidence, you’ll better have the focus.

For people who struggle with focus and attention, activity in your brain may be hindering your ability to concentrate and stay on task. Neurofeedback helps regulate brain rhythms so concentration and focus become a more easy and natural state. There are solutions to challenges with focusing.

Combine these tips with neurofeedback and see how much more effective and calm your brain can be when focusing on work, school, or other tasks. Many people begin to see results in just a few sessions.

Now that you’ve been introduced to some ways to focus and get back on task, it’s up to you to take action. If you need to get some things done, follow these steps so you can put yourself – and your goals – first.

Wallpaper Designs

You’ll receive five Wallpaper Designs every month as part of your Monthly Content Package. Here are some examples.

Your Wallpaper Designs will be 1920 x 1200 pixels. These are 500 x 325 pixels for the Web.

Wallpaper Batt

Wallpaper Hill

Wallpaper Ditka

Wallpaper Cibenko

PDF Guides

Your PDFs for each month will consist of a short ebook (approximately 2500 words), a checklist, a worksheet, or some combination of the three. Topics will relate to Health, Mental Health, and Wellness. They have been professionally designed, researched, and proofed before we send them to you. Here is an example of both an ebook and a checklist.

Top 20 Brain Foods Ebook V2

The Importance of Conquering Your Fears Checklist


As part of your Monthly Content Package, you get an exclusive video every single month sent to you as an mp4 file. You are welcome to add a unique audio track to these videos and/or brand these videos with your business information and logo — or we can do it for you. The video you receive will not have the “” closing slide so you can easily customize your own beginning or ending to brand your practice.

We are happy to customize any of your videos for you for $79. Customization can include changing text and/or background colors and adding your logo and business contact information at the beginning, end, or both. For countries using alternate spellings, such as British English, we are also happy to adapt the video to your country’s standard spelling.

By using our content, you agree to the Content Terms of Use.

13 Responses to “Monthly Content Package Sample”

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  7. mike says:

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  8. mike says:

    Thank you for your kind words

  9. mike says:

    You are very welcome

  10. mike says:

    Thank you

  11. mike says:


    We apologize we missed your request. We are revamping our provider options and will update you shortly.

    Thank You

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