Typical billing rates

Many clinicians bill at their normal, hourly billing rate. Billing rates vary by location, by the type of clientele, by clinician experience and reputation, etc. Many clinicians will charge the same rate for a neurofeedback session that they would for a clinician hour.

Some clinicians vary this. They may use technicians or other professional staff with lower billing rates to do the training. Many will offer a discount package to a client who pays for a certain number of sessions at once. It’s pointless for a client to do only a few neurofeedback sessions.

Bundling sessions into 10-session, 20-session,and  even 40-session packages makes sense. The rationale for reducing the cost is that there can be less billing overhead when prepayment occurs. If the client is trying to collect insurance, the clinician can still generate a superbill for the client.

Also, some offices have therapists, technicians, or staff who see more than one client at a time. They might have two systems, and have clients come in every 15 or 30 minutes. Once they start one client, unless the client is new, they may be able to switch back and forth, and run both sessions. In these cases, rates are often lower as there’s less attention being paid to the client. These same clinicians may charge more if the client needs full attention.