How much training and practice should a clinician have before working with patients?

There are healthcare professionals who have started training clients within days of their first course. Others practice for several months before they charge clients. There are no required standards.

These suggestions are based on feedback from working with many clinicians over the years.

  • 1 Find the best possible course.
  • 2 After a course, do ten or more EEG training sessions on yourself first (we recommend working with an experienced clinician). This helps the starting clinician better understand the process.
  • 3 Train your family, friends, or colleagues (if there are not ethical issues) to gain experience.
  • 4 Consult with an experienced neurofeedback clinician/mentor to shorten the learning curve.
  • 5 If you decide to use qEEG data (EEG brain map) as a tool to guide the training, find a very experienced and knowledgeable tutor to help who also has neurofeedback expertise. The learning curve to read and interpret qEEGs is significant.