How often do you need to come for training

Based on surveys, a large percentage of clinicians recommend two to three neurofeedback sessions per week to start. Some feel three or four trainings per week accelerate the learning process. The vast majority of clinicians run twice-per-week sessions. Why?

For one, many clients are resistant to coming more often. Also, twice per week has proven successful. If distance is an issue, some therapists will accept clients coming for one session per week, and some will not. It partially depends on the kind of problem that is being tackled. It’s important for patients to talk about their symptoms and situation with their chosen clinician so brain training can be best optimized for the situation. Training successes have been reported for a small number of clients who trained only once a week. Once-per-week training may increase drop-out rates, and learning occurs more slowly.

The optimum number of training sessions has not been well-studied. For clients who live far away, some clinicians run two sessions in the same day, separated by at least 30 to 45 minutes. For serious problems, such as addiction, two sessions per day, five days per week has been shown to be very successful in research. Few clinicians in private practice do that intensive of training. The exception is usually during summertime when kids are out of school. Some therapists will train kids every day or twice a day.